Superior bonding of Ceramic Pro is why our permanent coatings with the actual thickness do not age, crack, peel or flake off from the substrate. The nano-molecules are this small they can integrate into the pores of the protected material, almost creating a single entity with it. Once the coating is applied on the test panel and fully cured, the surface is cut in a lattice shape, with a 1mm distance between cuts. Then, a special adhesive tape is pressed to the cut lattice and rapidly pulled off - if the lattice shows any signs of spalling, then the adhesion of the coating is insufficient.
To raise the criteria and check Ceramic Pro’s bonding ability in harsh conditions, we also perform the cross-cut test after exposing the test panel to thermal shock, after repeated cycles of heating it up to +75°C and freezing it below -30°C. The results are impeccable as if it was at room temperature.
If applied in the respective working thickness, the coating doesn’t crack either while being bent up to 180° without 0 mm coating loss.

The pencil hardness test (probably the one you are vaguely familiar with thanks to our flagship product Ceramic Pro 9H) is the method for evaluating the hardness of a material or surface. By dragging a 1kg loaded mechanical holder with a graphite pencil set at a 45° angle, the tester attempts to scratch the surface. Based on the hardness of the pencil used, we can establish the overall hardness of the material plus coating. The hardest pencil included in the testing protocol is 9H, and while there is a new 10H pencil available on the market now, it’s still not integrated into this type of certification. Thus, any product called “11H” or “15H” cannot back up such a pledge. It’s crucial to be aware that the pencil hardness test result depends on the hardness of the original, unprotected surface. Ceramic Pro protection can augment the score by several points, but cannot make something that was 2H become 9H. Also, do not mix the Pencil Hardness up with Moh’s Scale of mineral hardness.

Even though being transparent and invisible, the Ceramic Pro protective layer acts as a buffer between the original material and strong chemicals or environmental factors. The nanoceramic layer consists of inorganic particles, so it does not engage in a chemical reaction with most chemicals and can endure long-term exposure to contaminants and active substances. To simulate such exposure and extreme outdoor conditions, test panels are protected on one half and placed in a special chamber with the set temperature and a nebulizer or sprayer that creates fog or sprays special chemicals on them. The experiment can go on for days, showcasing the behavior of the coating in an accelerated manner – test conditions are way harsher than any real-life ones. For example, 24-hour exposure to Neutral Salt Spray (5% NaCl Sodium Chloride) at 35℃ in the chamber is equivalent to 120 days at the coastline area or one-year exposure to the usual environment. By using the protocol's strongest chemical - Copper Accelerated Acetic Acid - for 24 hours at 50℃, you will simulate three years of exposure to coastline conditions or eight years in an environment without high-risk factors. These accelerated tests create the best predictions for long-term projects and are especially important for industrial protection.
The chemical resistance of a coating depends on many factors: the porosity of the coating or pinholes rates, duration of exposure, the strength of the chemical, contact angle and hydrophobicity, etc.
By the way, chemical resistance tests can be performed without the chamber by regular spraying of the chemicals on horizontally placed panels. A simple sprayer bottle with a coloring or active substance (wine, vinegar, mustard) or a permanent marker can also be an “out-of-the-laboratory” instrument to show the resistance of our coatings to chemicals and dirt!

The contact angle is a quantitative measure of the wetting of a solid surface by a liquid defined with the help of an optical tensiometer. A water droplet is placed on a coated panel and recorded by a high-precision camera. Then, the computer automatically reads the image and calculates the contact angle. The higher this contact angle is, the smaller the area of the droplet touching the material or coating and the smaller the impact zone is. It explains the prominent easy-to-clean effect of Ceramic Pro coatings – dirt remains on the surface without etching into nanoceramics, so clean water can easily collect dust and dirt particles while washing and slide off the surface. This effect might be known to you as hydrophobicity or the lotus effect that can protect not only your shoes from dirt or sofa from juice spills but also allow you to wash your car less frequently!
It is a well-known fact that the efficiency of Ceramic Pro grows with each layer applied, so the final thickness of the coating will determine the presence of particular protective effects. This conclusion comes from the fact that every material and surface before protection is uneven, and it requires a certain amount of Ceramic Pro product to a) fill in the pores and unevenness of the original surface, b) create a solid superficial layer on top of the protected material. Ceramic Pro 9H is applied thinly, about 1 micron thick with wiping, to make it easier to reach that magnificent aesthetic Ceramic Pro effect, but this might not be enough to protect the surface. That is why we suggest that at least two layers of Ceramic Pro 9H are required to start feeling the benefits of the nanoceramics, and ten layers to fully enjoy the advantages of the service.
Average thickness gauges used in the industry are sensitive to ±1 micron, 1/1000 of a millimeter, so measuring a nanoceramic coating with such can be inconclusive. For this reason, we certify the coatings by using an optical microscope that examines the cross-section of a test panel with a varying number of layers. It proves that the top of the coating is super smooth and even, which is crucial for that wet-gloss effect and color-enhancement of the original material. On the other hand, Ceramic Pro coating is so thin, that it does not change the original texture of exclusive materials such as wood and leather.

Friend or foe, sunlight and ultraviolet rays are common and considerable factors of accelerated wearing, color fading, thinning, and rising fragility of materials. Though visually the protective and even color-restoring effects of Ceramic Pro are obvious, it’s crucial to prove that the protective coating does not suffer from long-term exposure to harmful UV thus preserving the protected surface from sunlight’s devastating effect. Thus, the test panels are placed under a fluorescent UV-light source for various exposure cycles to ensure that Ceramic Pro coatings do not show any signs of deterioration such as color or transparency change, cracking, flaking, blistering and excessive thinning.

The durability of nanoceramic coatings is a commonly asked question from potential clients. Lifespan depends on many factors, yet Ceramic Pro coating may remain on the protected item for as long as it exists! All negative factors affect the performance of nanoceramic protection, whereas only polishing or abrasion can instantly take the coating off a surface.
To predict the coating’s look after years of daily usage, we use an abrasion machine specifically designed to test the durability and wear-resistance of modern smartphones’ glass screens. Test panels are placed under a vertical shaft with pads made of steel wool of the finest grade installed on the bottom of the shaft. The machine, loaded with 1kg, creates 60 oscillating motions per minute to scratch the surface. If we speak about some of our coatings, the scratches do not appear at all! To complexify the test, we try abrading coated mirror steel panels that reveal any minor defect on the surface.
Improved aerodynamics of any aircraft is what engineers aim for during its development. One of the key factors for a lower drag of any item is the sleekness and evenness of its surface, and one of the ways to considerably enhance it is the application of a permanent Ceramic Pro coating. Though its weight is extremely low, our nanoceramics solidify on top of any material as an impeccably smooth top coat. To prove the positive impact of Ceramic Pro on aerodynamics, we rely on the results of the Wind Tunnel test. The coated and uncoated cylinders are fixed within a tube with powerful fans installed at one end. When the fans start working, the induced airflow moves around the cylinder showing what would happen if it were in the air. The recorded values indicate that Ceramic Pro can reduce drag by up to 3%, causing an impressive positive impact on fuel consumption and comfort while piloting the aircraft, or improved performance and efficiency if we speak about industrial use.

Towing-tank test is a rather old yet quite sufficient method to check the hydrodynamics of a watercraft. With the development of high-sensitivity sensors, scientists are able to collect very precise data on the behavior of boat or cargo models in water, the drag, the ability to maneuver, and the pros and cons of the design. What is required for the test is a long basin in a climate-controlled area, and a carriage - a platform that moves across the basin with the boat model hanging down from it. While the towing is performed, sensors and computers read the experiment flow and calculate the difference between the performance of a regular model and one coated with Ceramic Pro Marine product. We have obtained data that our marine coating reduces the drag up to 3% compared to the uncoated model. In real life, the long-term results could be even better as Ceramic Pro Marine prevents marine growth on the submerged boat parts, and this type of contamination is notorious for reducing the performance of water transport.

With the raising awareness of hygiene and health safety, the role of Ceramic Pro coatings for home protection is growing in importance. Antibacterial effects of Ceramic Pro coatings rest on several aspects. First of all, the application of our permanent coating requires thorough surface cleaning and decontamination with alcohol. Secondly, solvent-based spray products are strong enough to defeat harmful germs on a coated material. And, with the hydrophobicity gained upon the coating, any surface will not absorb any dangerous or dirty matter, so keeping the area clean and sanitary will not require any effort.
Moreover, Nanoshine Group Corp has developed a human-health-friendly formula of photocatalytic spray-coating Ceramic Pro Tag that contains silver, the metal known for antimicrobial effects. Tag accelerates the chemical reaction of UV-light that destroys bacteria and germs while disintegrating fumes contained in the air into harmless compounds. The formula remains effective even without light, all thanks to the silver ion effect. This protective action has proven itself throughout microbiological tests: a small amount of the product is placed in a sterile container. Then, viable and counted microorganisms grown on suitable media are added to the same container which is then kept in the dark. The number of bacteria is measured after 2 and 12 hours of exposure to the test product. Ceramic Pro Tag stops the growth and reduces the number of dangerous yet common germs, i.e., E. coli, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, and salmonella. Ceramic Pro Tag fits for application on absorbing surfaces such as textile curtains or furniture upholstery, making a home or public area a safer place.

Regulations for chemical safety and the consolidation of a global effort for ecological sustainability are critical topics on the world’s agenda. Ceramic Pro products are tested and certified according to the strict standards of the European Union and International Maritime Organization concerning substances of very high concern used in our products and their safety for human health and the environment. We are privileged to provide these results publicly and to highlight that our manufacturing in Taiwan is located in Taipei’s green zone, meaning our production doesn’t have a negative impact on the environment.